Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Peace is absence as much as it is being present. 

In the absence of craziness and forces pulling me in every direction I am at peace. Perhaps this is what normal feels like. 

I am certain that in our modern age, in western developed society, we live in a literally "insane" world.  Many of my own trials and tribulations are borne of sensory overload and unhealthy living conditions, too crowded, too noisy, too busy, at least for me.  I have struggled for years between the legacy of a world-class education and its attendant expectations, and leading a simple life that is fulfilling and wholesome. Ultimately, it comes down to the individual and personal choice.

At present I live a simple daily existence; I rise with the sun, prepare my meal of cereal or porridge, wash my clothes by hand and hang to dry, stop along the road buy and eat fresh fruit on the way to the docks in search of work.   Fulfilling in its simplicity.  I have time to read and to write, enjoy friendships and swim in the ocean and soak up the sun.  I am fully living "the present".  I am calm, at peace and free of worries and troubles that plagued my days of employment for employment sake.  I have rediscovered, nay always knew that an office is not the environment for me. Who was I proving my capabilities to, and to what end?  Just because I can do it doesn't mean I should, especially when it means the sacrifice of my soul. Hindsight and a bit of perspective have made this clear to me. Better late than never.

I have always sought high intensity experience, fueled by an above average mind and natural gifts that permit me to excel at a broad and varied range of endeavors. Some of these exploits, however, have not always been in my best interest. Again, perspective and a willingness to change. Experience and time. It is mine to channel my energies into creative and worthwhile pursuits. Today, that is my goal.

Over the past year I have cleared my mind and indeed my soul, found friends and rediscovered brotherhood, been inspired and inspired, and tapped back into a depth of spirit left to slumber some years ago. I take this clarity with me daily, with purpose and faith, into the madness and confusion, as my aide and guide, as my touchstone of serenity.

Referencing Desiderata, posted the other day, as I "take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth" my life takes on new form.  I have little idea where I'll be or what I'll be doing a year from now, for this is part of the great mystery, and one that I embrace.  We are educated from a young age to discern, judge, plan, execute, achieve and conquer yet I don't recall any instruction on what it means to "be" in a simple, unadultered manner, as a primary directive. For this instruction I travel geographies and cultures, in search of alternate interpretations of existence and fulfillment, beyond the puritan ethic.  Some of the economically poorest cultures I experience prove to be richest in friendships, love and community. 

This is an exploration of my own definitions and ideas of what it means to live a happy and fulfilling life.

At present I read Jack London's - The Cruise of the Snark, A Pacific Voyage, and am struck by simplicity of insight; "Life that lives is life successful". And so I continue about living my life.

I begin Yacht Master Offshore instruction this weekend! A delicious combination of theory and sailing mixed with Mother Nature's wind and seas!  Can't wait!! 

Great big hugs!


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