Sunday, November 28, 2010

Vision Quest

'What the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others'

I am taking this time to be still and listen to my soul, its longing, so that I may purposefully and deliberately move toward my life's purpose.


  1. attaboy Painedog, can't wait to see/hear more from your trip...Blackwell

  2. Hi Honey,
    Sounds like you`re having a grand adventure. Thanks for having someone e-mail me your whereabouts. I`m rooting for you. Love, Mom

  3. Dear beautiful Jonathan,
    I am pleased to sail with you. Your journey is a welcome counterpart to my Maine winter.
    Love, Kristine

  4. Hi Honey,
    Glad you arrived safely. What a beautiful spot to wake up to. You`re sure having a marvelous adventure. I`m quite impressed with your poetry. Who Knew! Love, Mom

  5. Thinking of you. And to your mom who said "who knew" about your poetry-I did. It is exactly who you were when I knew you all of those years ago. I wish I could say something meaningful and inspiring but I don't think you need it anyway. Your inspiration is within you. I wish you all of the best.

  6. Hello Jonathan!
    Just checking in on you ... haven't heard anything on your whereabouts as of late. Hope your travels are going well! -Laura (Elizabeth)
