Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Mind amist

Pain and thunder, deep cloud flash
Torn asunder flesh from glass

Mind imaginings 

Yes but I'll dance in images and the ethereal
All the emotes sway and turn
Never lingering for more than a third

Meaning not 
that which to say
snoring fitfully, sleep to play

Unlock the door, tease the key

Calm and still
Breathless yet
Caught becalmed in spider's web

Floating softly sails unfurled
Seeking yet worlds of pearl
Morning dew
Glisten sharp
Wisp away to ethereal dark

Born of lightness swift and dart
Splitting art cleft dark heart
Swell full joy, rise, start

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Healing calm, peace and sea-breeze.
Flow from time feeling eternal grace kissed by sunshine and summer's eve breeze
Just fishing off the back of the boat bobbing in the boat wakes